Access a worldwide pool of handpicked talent for 60% the cost and less than 24 hours
We know the process of hiring can be painful. This is why we strive to make it easy for you. Within 24 hours, we’ll have 3 candidates ready to be interviewed by you.
Trust is one of the most important part of a business. We make sure any candidate goes through strict security formations and protocols to make sure your data is safe.
Hire top talent for 60% less of the cost. So you can save money and grow more.
Tell us your needs
We find 3 potential candidates for you
You Interview and pick the best fit
We help onboard the candidate and handle payments on your behalf
Here is what our users had to say
“We transformed our business with top talent from around the world. Highly recommended!”
Hamzet Abid
Lead Manager, Tamur
“I found my dream remote job. Amazing support and diverse collaboration!”
Alvin Lee
Developer from Malaysia
“We expanded our team and capabilities cost-effectively. Impressive results!“
Jack Sibire
Lead Manager, Facebook